Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random things that I love

1) First and foremost, I love my boyfriend. He is my everything. He is the beauty in this world to me, and brings out beauty in everything around me. Everything seems so much more vibrant and alive because of him. Because he brings out the joy inside of me and makes me feel so alive. I love him with my whole heart and I will never stop loving him.

2) I love when it rains in the middle of the night, and the rest of the world shuts their windows, while I have mine wide open. I love the sound and the smell and the feeling it gives me. It's like it becomes my own personal rain storm and I'm free to get lost in the sound. It's the only time I will shut the music off and let the rain become it's own song.

3) I love curling up in a chair with my dogs and nice hot cup of tea from Harrod's (the only thing I could afford in there!) with a good book on a day when I don't have to be anywhere and it's storming outside.

4) I love when you see a movie so well done that it hits something inside of you and it keeps you up late into the night, just making your mind wander all over the place about your own life

5) I love the feeling of stepping off of a plane in another country and you have this whole new endless world in front of you, just waiting to be explored

6) I love that I cried when I landed in London, when I saw Big Ben from the plane window and feeling just in complete shock that I was actually in a place that I had wanted to go to since I was a little girl. What a great memory.

7) I love that my favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day, instead of Christmas or something that everyone loves the most. And I don't love it because of the drinking aspect. I love it because it gives me an excuse to pull out my photos and dvds from my trip to Ireland and I can pretend for the day that I am back in that beautiful country full of different shades of green, sheep crossing the roads, and castles in every place you look.

8) I love going online and researching new music. Spending hours just listening to clips and reading reviews and ultimately finding the stuff that speaks the most to me. All the hours spent are always well worth it.

9) I love going to concerts and letting go and feeling like I'm a part of something bigger than myself

10) I love going to the beach and taking a good, long walk when the sun is just going down. Just me and my ipod, the waves crashing beside me, and my thoughts are free to go wherever they please

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